Spiritual Counseling/Psychic Readings/I Ching Seminars
Is How I Do It.
A. Psychic Readings.
- Readings can be done via, Skype, Oovo, Google Hangout, Yahoo video chat, etc. That way where we are located won’t interfere with getting the reading. After we determine which chat process we want to use, then we need to make sure we are in each other’s friends list so everything can go smoothly when we finally meet.
- I ask folks to get me two questions before the reading. Then, I will do the consulting with the Oracle ahead of time, so as to say on the actual reading time. Typically, one question requires a series of inquiries that may take another 10 0r 15 minutes to complete. Sometimes, I may have to contact you again to help restructure the question so we can get the best answer. With the I Ching, the way you ask the question makes all the difference in the answer you receive.
- I ask for a love offering of $50 for a reading that lasts about 1.5 hours. I ask folks to pay via PayPal (nanabaakan@voicesofafrica.net) in advance of our reading. If you don't have PayPal I can send you an invoice which can be paid with a credit card. Or if you wish you can mail it to me.
- Then we set up an appointment for the reading to take place.
- After the reading is over, I will send you a copy of your reading via a download link for your reference in the future.
The I Ching (Yi Jing) is an amazing oracular system developed in Ancient China more than 5,000 years ago. It continues to have relevance up until this day. Its philosophy is its name; that is “The Book of Changes.” This oracle is the “pocket psychologist.” It is designed to teach anyone how to move with the rhythm of life as it ebbs and flows. It was first developed by an intensely Spiritual Man by the name of Fu Shi who's ethnicity harkens back to according to some Africa in some reports... In fact, there is a strong correlation between the I Ching and the Ifa system of Nigeria, West Africa.
Fu Shi, having spent some time studying the markings on a tortoise shell was inspired to develop a system that would help humanity understand the every day changes as well as the celestial changes in the Universe. He started with just two lines, then three, called trigrams and develop these trigrams in reflections of the elements around him. wood, Earth, metal, water, fire. From there came the repeating cycles productive, destructive, controlling and dissolving. Of course as with all Ancient Texts, changes, editions and subtractions have been made, especially in translating it from the Ancient Mandarin.
All in all it comes to us, and, from much experience it has given me, it shows to be one of the best systems around.
- Facilitator: Nana Baakan will facilitate these I Ching Workshops. I have been using this system without fail for over 30 years. It has guided me through some trying and joyful times. It has given me a stronger ability to intuit and helped me to relinquish my dependence upon it. Over time, one becomes so in tune, that they can "forecast" the hexagrams that may come up in a reading, providing confirmation for each life situation that it is consulted on.
- Participants: All are welcomed. We need at least 6 commitments before we can start a workshop.
- Coordinator: Will be ask to volunteer in return for their sessions being free.
- Duties of Coordinator: Keep contact information for of all attendees.
- Be the contact person between attendees and Nana Baakan
- Keep attendance records.
- Send out reminders for each workshop 3 days in advance.
- Feel free to contact Nana directly with any of the questions you need to.
- Description: This workshop will give you firsthand knowledge about the use of this oracle for your personal and spiritual development. It will be a beginners course, of 6 sessions, for starters. If folks wish to continue on after the first 6 sessions that will be great too.
- Cyber Workshop: Everyone should have Gmail account! That way we can all get on Google hang-out. The can also get the Google Hang-out app on their phone. I am not too sure if Apple phones have the app for Google hang-out though. We need to look into that. Either way we will have folks on the phone or on the internet. Skype or Ovoo is another option, since they do have group chat. I prefer Google Hangout cause you can record it.
- Web Camera: Everyone needs to have a web camera on their phone or on their computer. We really need video, so folks can see what I am writing on the board. You can try eBay or amazon.com for a web cam, if not, then you can always go to someone’s house for the video chat if they have a video camera on their computer.
- Everyone to check out the Nana Baakan Discusses Understanding the I Ching Videos on YouTube.
- Durations: I would like to do 6 sessions, each for 1.5 hours once a week or whenever we schedule them.
- Hour one would be for instructions
- 30 minutes for questions and answers.
- Love Offering: I will ask for a small love offering from each one in attendance. $120 for 6 sessions, or $100 if a person pays for all 6 sessions in advance.
- Everyone must pay for at least two sessions in advance or $40 before the first session begins.
- Love Offering can be sent via Paypal,(nanabaakan@voicesofafrica.net) If you do not have Paypal, and invoice can be sent that can be paid with a credit card.
Read as many books as you can find on Amazon.com on the I Ching and use this oracle as your pocket guide to a more fruitful, spiritual and effective life. Namaste
Internet Links
Contact Nana Baakan for appointments @ nanabaakan@decacs-inc.com
List Of Services
Mental Health Counseling DECACS, Inc.
Nana Baakan
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