Peace and blessings
to you your family and love ones. My
name is Nana Baakan and today I want to talk about some of the topics we cover
in our dream workshops.
How many of you out
there have recurring dreams? You know, that strange dream that seems to come
out of the blue from nowhere.
Often times these
types of dreams are triggered by a current situation that is reminding you of a
past situation and that past situation has not been resolved and needs to be.
It could be
something that is going on at work, school, church, relationship or any number
of other situations. The situation that
is currently happening is reminding you of a similar situation. Because it has
not been resolved or analyzed it keeps coming back because you need to rectify
it in some way.
Now this does not
apply to all recurring dreams because we may certainly find ourselves flying
over and over again. The flying dreams mean something else.
However if you dream
that you are being chased from time to time. Or fighting the same animal. Or
find yourself in some type of imprisonment, these dreams tend to be telling you
something about what's happening in your life.
Of course the
details matter. In and out of waking
life and the dream state, there are many nuances that impact on what we
dream. We also use a lot of figurative
language or puns in our waking life that may find themselves interwoven in
these recurring dreams.
The triggers to
recurring dreams can be massive or very subtle. They can happen the day of the
dream before or after. Exploring what
happened over the past few days can help you pinpoint what triggered that
There is so much
more to cover on this topic, so come on out and bring that recurring dream.
Thanks for watching
this video and be sure to come out to our next schedule dream
workshops, there will be two.
Sept. 14, 2019
Atiya Ola's Spirit
First Foods,
310 South 48th
Philadelphia, PA
4:30PM to 6:30PM
It is free and open
to the public, donations are graciously accepted.
They cover my
traveling expenses, etc.
Sept. 15, 2019
Nutrition and Health
5601 N. 10th Street,
Philadelphia, PA
3Pm to 5PM.
$10 in advance and
$12 at the door.
I also want to
mention that this workshop will have the option of joining us via the Zoom
conference platform for those who cannot be physically present at the workshop
but would like to attend. Go to this link
and download the app to your phone, tablet and/or computer.
The fee for joining
us via Zoom is $10 paid in advance. Please send me your contact information so
I can give you all the information you need to register for the Zoom conference
Contact me at and you pay the advance fee of $10. So let me know so I can put your name on the
advance list.
Also, I will be
offering 2 free 20 minute readings at both locations. The recipients will be chosen by lottery, so
that's another reason to come out if you want to get that free reading.
Thanks again for
watching this video and hope to see you there!!
Peace &
Blessings to you your family and loved ones.