Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Get Your Psychic Reading from Nana Baakan

Need A Psychic Reading?

Everyone knows that we live in uncertain times. With all the memes on the internet via social media, and email, we are constantly reminded that we should live in the moment, because tomorrow ain't promised.

So How Does A Psychic Reading Help Us 
To Navigate Through The Moment?

Interesting How Much Of This New Age Shindig Seldom Mentions Getting A Psychic Reading, Or Encouraging Folks To Learn About Astrology, Tarot, Dream Interpretation, I Ching, Numerology, And A Host Of Other Ways To Check Out What Is Happening Around Us.

Where's the disconnect? Hmmm…. Wonder if it's a stream of money thing. If they direct folks to use their own Psychic abilities, things that will have them stand on their own, they may lose a lucrative stream of income.

The New Age movement has simply put a new face on the old paradigm. You need somebody to "show" you the way. You need someone to "channel" for you. If they revealed that you could uncover the truth on your own, and even expose their motives in the process, that would CounterProductive for them.

No Wonder You Never Hear 
About Psychic Readings In The New Age Circles.

I Use The I Ching along with 30+ years of consciously developing my intuition. You Are Guaranteed To Get A "Good Reading".

Helps You To Navigate Your Present Moment
It Rarely points to Future Events in a Predictive Way
Offers Options and Possibilities
Gives You Choices
Seldom Fatalistic
Puts You In Control Of Your Destiny

Humanity’s Addiction To Being Spoon-Fed 
Keeps Humanity Powerless!!


Fortune Telling Tools (Correct Knowledge Shows that the Future Cannot Be Predicted with Certainty. There are too Many Variables and Too Many Possibilities.)
Easily Manipulated (Changes its direction due to pressure from the Querrent)
Dependent on Personal Desires
Changes its direction due to pressure from the Querrent

Need A Psychic Reading?
A Good Reading?
One Of the Best Readings You've ever Had?

Contact Nana Baakan

1.5 hours/session
Available Mon/Tues/Fri/Sat/Sun
(as many sessions needed to get your pressing questions answered)
Affordable Fees



  1. Blessings! As I began my journey in purposfully developing my intuition and Using the I Ching Oracle, I "stumbled upon" Nana Baakan's videos on youtube, made contact with her, and my most pressing questions about what i am here in this lifetime to take care of were clearly answered. These questions had perplexed me since my teen years if not prior. Why i function the way i do, why my family relationships are as they have been, my strengths, weaknesses, and the seemeingly endless karmic rollercoastr ride i just coulnt seem to get off of! The amount of clarity that Nana Baakan delivered is absolutely amazing! I give many thanks for her devotion, passion, decades of study and development, and all the work she does within the world! I don't think another person would have been equipped enough to help me understand the meanings and reasons for my particular journey. Nana Baakan, Thank you!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Aissa for your comments here. You are a blessing.

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